Back in Poland in the Fall, Glen & Curtis recorded 2 songs for the music website Uwolnij Muzykę!
Colm music featured on new tv show
Colm has provided the soundtrack to a new 6 part series on RTÉ 1 called Guth na nGael. It begins this Friday, March 21 at 7:30pm. Check out the preview here:
DJ Glen on Dig Music in Australia
Today in Australia at 2-3pm Glen will take over the airwaves at Dig Music on the ABC. That’s 11pm EST time & the wee hours of 3am in Dublin. Don’t fret, they will rerun the show on March 15 at 8am, which is 9pm on Friday night the 14th. Got it? Read more & listen here.
Colm on Other Voices
Colm performed at Other Voices Derry this month. The full show should be online soon, but for now, here he is with Bád Bán accompanied by pianist Catherine Fitzgerald, cellist Ben Cashell & Frank Tate on bouzouki.
Colm new website & Other Voices
Colm has a new website with all sorts of goodies on it. Expect new music this year!
Tonight! Colm is performing at Other Voices in Dingle. It will be streamed online at RTE as well as at The Guardian. Show stars at 8pm Ireland time, which is 3pm EST. We think Colm goes on around 9:45pm, but tune in earlier. Also on the bill is Bell X1, Foy Vance & Public Service Broadcasting. We’ll post a playback link here when it’s available.
The next day, Saturday the 8th, Colm will be playing 2 pieces of music during Jim Carroll’s Banter Salon session at The Cottage on Shipquay Street between 2-6pm. Photographer & filmmaker Conor Masterson will be there too talking about his film The Frames: In The Deep Shade which will be screened during the OneTwoOneTwo music documentary film festival at 5.30pm that day.