Colm and Johnny Boyle sitting in with Paul Brady and a host of others, performing ‘Soul Commotion’ for Live at Kinine.
hey hey
Hey everyone, new visitors and fans, old timey visitors and fans, how’s it going? We’ve slacked off on the old Updates of Updates posts here, but we’ve still been adding away. For the most part it’s been press and such about the Once musical, all here on this page. There’s plenty to look through there and from this point we won’t be updating there anymore. Congratulations to all involved on 8 Tony Awards this past weekend, amazing! We were lucky enough to see the show back in December at the New York Theater Workshop. It definitely deserves all the accolades.
Now that things are picking up with Glen and Rhythm and Repose we’ve been keeping a Press page over here including interviews, reviews, sessions, tv, and so on… The gig pages are here and we’ll add to those in our usual fashion as best as we can keep up with the madness.
We do realize that some of the video heavy pages take a bit to load, we’re coming up with alternatives to our layout, but it’s best just to wait until the whole page loads before clicking around. Patience! : )
The best way to follow along is on Twitter & Facebook. Also keep an eye on the right sidebar on the homepage for bits you may have missed elsewhere.
Thank ya! Nice to see you here!
JD Roots Gig in Dublin
On 18 May 2012, Colm performed at the JD Roots gig at Dublin Factory with Delorentos, We Cut Corners, and The Minutes. Great review at State.
Raglan Road (by SiogAlainn)
Revelate (by moultar55)
The Frames on The Live Music Radio Hour – 1992
For this week only (until Sunday the 20th), The Live Music Hour at BBC Radio is featuring 3 live songs from The Frames in August 1992 – Masquerade, Picture of Love, Right Road (Wrong Road). They’re tucked in between R.E.M. at Glastonbury in 2003 & a Peel Session from The Family Cat. Go to 37 minutes to get straight to The Frames. Click here to listen on the BBC iPlayer!
Glen in the Living Room NYC May 8
Glen will be doing a taping for XM Radio’s “The Loft” show next Tuesday, May 8th. It will take place in New York City at The Living Room on 154 Ludlow and tape from 5:30 to 6:30 PM. If you live in the area and would like to attend we have a limited amount of space. We will reserve space for the first 30 people + a guest by emailing: howard@overcoatmgmt.