While in town for the Rolling Stone Weekender, Glen talked with Rockpalast and played a new tune that’s been on the live set list lately called “Lowly Deserter” with Curtis. Glen’s played in some unique places like elevators & a sauna, but we think this is the first time in a children’s indoor playground. Click through to watch: Song and Interview.
Glen joins Mark Geary for some Christmas Biscuits
Glen sings & plays along with Mark Geary and some great Irish musicians on this new version of Mark’s popular holiday song Christmas Biscuits. Engineered by Frames alumnus Karl Odlum, proceeds from this single will be donated to The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a charitable organization in Ireland with a mission to tackle poverty in all its forms through the provision of practical assistance to those in need.
The song will be available via iTunes on November 29th.
UPDATE: You can now order the single via iTunes here or via Amazon here.
Read more about it at Mark’s site here. Mark will support Glen at his 25 November gig at Vicar Street.
Glen Releasing EP featuring Springsteen’s “Drive All Night” & 3 Original Songs
This month, Glen will release a 4 song EP featuring Bruce Springsteen’s Drive All Night with some help from Eddie Vedder & Jake Clemons & producer Joe Henry. Vinyl & CD versions will be available on November 25 via Amazon & ANTI- (& Plateau in Ireland) while a digital version of the EP will be available on December 3 via iTunes. You can hear the song now at RollingStone.com.
All profits from the digital single sales of Drive All Night will be donated to Little Kids Rock, the non-profit charity Clarence Clemons donated his energy towards. A portion of the proceeds from the vinyl and cd sales will be donated as well. Little Kids Rock provides music education classes to K-12 students in public schools that have been stripped of their music programs.
The B Side of the EP will feature 3 more songs by Glen – Pennies In The Fountain, Renata & Step Out Of The Shadows.
Glen & the band performed with Bruce Springsteen over the summer at the Wrecking Ball Weekender in Ireland. Watch Glen on stage with Bruce & the E Street Band performing “Drive….”
Round Up // October
Hi all! It’s been about 4 months since our last rundown of news & additions to the site, so here we go:
First off, In 2005 (& 2007) The Frames’ stellar merch manager Cherie kept a tour diary for theframes.ie as the band traveled around the US, Canada, Australia, Europe & then back to Canada & the US again! We’ve added to our archive here too with links that go to particular gig pages & other bits, if available. Enjoy!
**Glen and the band played lots of shows over the summer since our last blog update including one with Bruce Springsteen! Watch Glen, naturally, beaming while performing Drive All Night with Bruce & the E Street Band.
**One of these gigs took place at Iveagh Gardens in Dublin. Myles O’Reilly (aka Arbutus Yarns) captured the magic & made a 30 minute film of this special night. If you haven’t yet, definitely make some time to watch here.
**You can catch Glen’s whole set from the Haldern Pop Fest on 10 August here on the German television program Rockpalast.
**Last month Glen showed up to support his friend Mark Geary at the Grand Social in Dublin. Click here for photos & a video.
**A few days after that, Glen and the whole gang joined in as support for The Michael Buckley Band at Whelans. Here are some great photos from that show.
**Graham, Justin, Michael, Curtis & Ronan and friends have also been busy playing a couple of shows at Whelans as Square Pegs.
**In conjunction with the July Irish gigs, Glen did a few interviews:
Here with Miriam O’Callaghan subbing on The John Murray Show at RTE Radio 1.
Here speaking with Olaf Tyaransen for GAF TV before the Galway Arts Festival.
Here with Ray D’Arcy on TodayFM – skip to 29:00 – includes lovely acoustic versions of Lay Me Down & Revelate.
**There are 2 more tours to finish off a busy 2013: Glen solo around Ireland with Lisa O’Neill (which is mostly sold out) in October and Glen + the whole band in Russia, Europe & Ireland in November. This includes 2 gigs at Vicar Street 25 & 26 November. The 25th show is to aid the Peter McVerry Trust & Dublin Simon Community.
**On Halloween night, 31 October, Glen himself will join writer John Kelly for an evening of Music & Conversation at The Helix DCU in Dublin. You can still get tickets here for €25 on sale now here!
**Colm has been performing some around Ireland and is currently working on his 2nd solo record. He recently provided the music for a documentary called An Bhean A Shiúil Trasna Mheiriceá (The Woman Who Walked Across America) that aired on TG4 in Ireland. You can watch the film here on their site.
**Watch Glen & Colm perform (with a band) on the Czech late night tv show “Tečka páteční noci” – 3 songs at the start (Love Don’t Leave Me Waiting, High Hope, Talking With the Wolves) then Bird of Sorrow & Fitzcarraldo at 57:55, & Her Mercy at 1:05. Interview throughout the whole show. Neat format!
**The Frames recently provided their song People Get Ready to this video in conjunction with “Honor The Treaty” which asks the Federal Government of America to return Lakota lands to the Lakota Nation (also known as Sioux) as it committed to in the Treaty of 1868 (before gold was discovered in the Black Hills). You can check out their website and sign their petition here.
**In case you missed it before- Listen to this entertaining interview Graham did about the art of drumming with Dave Fanning during an RTE Radio series on the art of music.
**Speaking of Graham, he launched his own website back in the spring and Rob just did an overhaul of his as well. Have a look there at all his great audio engineer work in addition to his performance discography.
**We leave you with this gem – Glen brings “Bananaman” to an online tv show in Chicago called Adventure Sandwich!
25 November Vicar Street gig added
Another Glen Hansard + full band show has been added to Vicar Street on November 25. Tickets go on sale 4 October for €30 with all proceeds benefiting the Peter McVerry Trust and the Dublin Simon Community. Mark Geary and his band will support. Click through to read more about PMV Trust & Dublin Simon.
For 30 years, Peter McVerry Trust has tackled homelessness in Ireland. In the mid-1970s Fr Peter McVerry began working with young people in Dublin’s north inner-city witnessing first-hand the problems of homelessness and deprivation. In 1983, as the number of young people experiencing homelessness grew, he established the charity, known as Peter McVerry Trust. Over its 30 year history, Peter McVerry Trust was provided vital housing and support services, which have helped thousands of young people to rebuild their lives. More than 3,500 individuals were supported by the charity last year, with 74% between the ages of 18-35 and the youngest just 13. www.pmvtrust.ie
Dublin Simon Community works to prevent and address homelessness in Dublin, Kildare and Wicklow. We provide services at all stages of homelessness and enable people to move to a place they can call home. At Simon, we listen to people who turn to us for help and do everything we can to support them to move out of homelessness into independent living. We strive to empower people to access, secure and retain a home of their own by reducing the reliance on short-term emergency accommodation and providing permanent supported housing for people to sustain a home in their local community. Moving people into supported housing produces life-enhancing and life-saving results and is more cost-effective in the long run.
The organisation was founded by a group of Trinity and UCD students in 1969, who began by providing much-needed soup and sandwiches to people who were sleeping rough in Dublin city centre. In addition to theSoup Run, which still goes out 365 nights of the year, Dublin Simon provide many services which aim to help those who are sleeping rough on the streets, people who are in their own accommodation but at risk of homelessness and those who are at any of the stages in between.