Colm and Johnny Boyle sitting in with Paul Brady and a host of others, performing ‘Soul Commotion’ for Live at Kinine.
Colm Mac Con Iomaire
JD Roots Gig in Dublin
On 18 May 2012, Colm performed at the JD Roots gig at Dublin Factory with Delorentos, We Cut Corners, and The Minutes. Great review at State.
Raglan Road (by SiogAlainn)
Revelate (by moultar55)
on raidio na life
Colm recently did an interview with Raidio Na Life. It’s in Gaelic so we don’t know what they’re talking about aside from Dylan’s 70th birthday. Anyone feel free to send along a translation of the interview. Listen here at Soundcloud.
The Hare’s Corner out in the UK!
The Hare’s Corner was released in the UK in May 2011. Here’s an initial review at Northern Sky. Send us any reviews you come across!
with Kila – Possibilities 2011 Summit
On 13 April, Colm performed with Kila at the POSSIBILITIES 2011 Summit. Below is video of The Bearna Waltz, The Court of Newtown and The Wealthy Widow.